

俚语 dip-out

dip out

to leave a party or someone's house without them knowing; sneaking out; or just plain leaving.
Don't mean to trip out, but bitch, I'm bout to dip out.

dip out

to exit a party while it is still in full swing or leave a social function early
Tim had to dip out of the neighborhood potluck so he could feed his cats Mitzy and Brown Suga'.

dip out

to blow someone off in reference to plans previously discussed; to not show up; to decide not to go through with plans at the last minute.
"Are we ever going to hang out? We always talk about it, but then you dip out at the last minute"

dip out

Abandon or cancel out, usu. in reference to plans.
Sorry I had to dip out on you guys at frisbee today; it was way too hot out for me.

dip out

when a person starts to daze off, slowly pass out because they took some drugs that makes there muscles relaxe, and or pain to go away
percocet. oxycotton. morphine..
Damn those Perk 10's kill me, i dip out like a mother fucker every time.

dip out

to tell soumone ta get the fuck out
Yo BITCH, Dip the fuck out!(dip out)

dip out

to tell soumone ta get the fuck out
Yo BITCH, Dip the fuck out!(dip out)




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