

俚语 dirt squirt

Dirt Squirt

The act of passing gas after anal sex where the semen coincidentally squirts out with the gas.
MAN: Why do you have that puzzled look on your face?
WOMAN: I need to change my panties.
MAN: Why?
WOMAN: Because you got back door action and I just had a case of the dirt squirts.

african dirt squirt

Where you kick somebody in the butthole with your big toe. The object is to get your big toe lodged in the persons butthole, and then quickly retract.

Origins of the Egyptian Mud Run.
I used the African Dirt Squirt method on her on our wedding night.

squirt dirt

Diarrhea, same as blast mud, though typically a bit more dry.
Jimmy: Gru, that Thai food is hitting me - I gotta use your crapper.

Gru: Man, iff you gotta squirt dirt, use the downstair bathroom - more tp than in the upstairs shitter.

Dirt Vert Squirt

An unreleased video game that was canceled due to graphic depiction of dirty, squirting perverts. Legend has it that a few copies have been leaked to the public, but there is not enough evidence to prove this.
I heard Jimmy found a copy of Dirt Vert Squirt. He told me, "Look at those graphics! My parents helped set it up!"

Squirt dirts

Ever think you’re gonna fart and suddenly a mudslide of shit drops down your leg? Ever pass gas in bed and shit all over your dog who was just laying under the covers keeping your ass warm? Need an excuse from your shitty ass job? Baby, you got the squirt dirts!
After getting my ass fucked from that hoe from bbrt, I now have the squirt dirts!




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