Dirty Abbie
The act of inhaling malteasers through a vagina and spitting them into a shot glass from a distance
I completed a dirty Abbie
Dirty Abby
a dirty Abby is a girl that loves big dickk and enjoys sucking it she enjoys having sex and is really fun and she has a lot of boyfriends
that dirty Abby was addicted to my dick
Dirty Abby
A dirty Abby is a girl who loves Huge dick and wants to suck it all the time . She also enjoys having sex she’s a very horny person
that dirty Abby would not stop sucking my dick
dirty abbi
When one partakes cumming in someone’s mouth while clenching a lemon up their butt
She so kinky she did the dirty Abbi in my mouth
dirty abby
When a girl hooks up with a guy and it’s on camera
“dude did you see her last night!”
“yeah she was doin a dirty abby”
“yeah she was doin a dirty abby”
dirty abby
A girl who only likes small dicks. If presented with an above average one, she'll cut the foreskin.
Me: man, that dirty Abby cut my cock!
Dirty Abby
A girl who loves small penis’s, uses ferrets as dildos, and will cut the foreskin off of a penis if it is too big.
You can often find her laying in bed starting shit on fb or front row having sex at a show. Often with trannies or midgets.
Did I forget to mention she used her ferret as a dildo?
You can often find her laying in bed starting shit on fb or front row having sex at a show. Often with trannies or midgets.
Did I forget to mention she used her ferret as a dildo?
Once you go dirty Abby you never go back