

俚语 dirty cheese

Dirty Cheese

meeting someone in a videogame at a Sonoco then having them make love to your father while taping it. Painful.
I will go Dirty Cheese with my friend.

Dirty Cheese Trick

The Dirty Cheese Trick occurs when a person hands a coupon (painted with liquid cheese on the back) to a store clerk, and the store clerk gets nasty cheese on his/her hand.
Specifically, the dirty cheese trick is accomplished by taking a cookie coupon at the restaurant Fuddruckers, and painting the back of it with Fuddruckers' Jalapeno Cheese, and then handing the cookie coupon to the bakery attendant front side up. The unsuspecting bakery attendant will grab the coupon and get Fuddruckers Jalapeno cheese on her hand. Voila!

Dirty Cheese Lincoln

Take your penis, wrapping it in cheese and filling your "others" crack with shredded cheese and buttsexing your partner. Until so said cheese is warm and melty. Then you eat your cheesy meal.
Jenny: Devyn decided he was hungry last night, so he gave me a dirty cheese lincoln!

Dirty Cheese Washer

It is when a girl is a filthy slut, since a Cheese Washer may be used for many different uses, all kinds of different ways. Hence the phrase Dirty Cheese Washer.
That Rachel is such a Dirty Cheese Washer. I heard she screwed three guys in every hole all on the same day! Nasty!

dirty cheese wanker

dirty cheese wanker
dirty cheese wanker

Dirty Cheese Steak

Simialer to a Slick Biscuit except when licking and sucking on her filthy pussy, she's wildly into it and holds your head tight against her slick, wet, tangy and musky opening. If your lucky you can slide your tongue against her gumhole and get a bonus.
Charlene let me have a Dirty Cheese Steak this morning after we slept off a long night of me getting to Cornhole her after licking her Gumhole. She loves me being her panty sniffer and anal intruder. There's nothing quite like licking her Tailpipe clean before being her Rectum Rooter. When I woke up I had a Thud and spread her legs wide and using my tongue, enjoyed my Dirty Cheese Steak tasting her funky, tangy' musky twat.

Dirty Biggie CHEESE

When having sex and the women you are fucking has 6857 tattoos or has a singular tattoo of Biggie Cheese around her vagina and instead of moaning you scream "Biggie Cheese Biggie Cheese!" and after your done you watch barnyard until you pass out.
Jhon: bro did u know Jane has a Biggie Cheese tattoo? Me neither Jane pulled a Dirty Biggie CHEESE on me last night
Mr. Howard: Let me have her for one night?




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