

俚语 dirty courtney

Dirty Courtney

The act where another woman is so obsessed with your man, that she will suck your pussy cum off his dick because she is a stage 5 clinger
Isn't that Dirty Courtney over there by your mans crotch?

Dirty Courtney

A Dirty Courtney is the act of when your gf/bf spontaneously taking advantage of you, completely ravishing your entire body with body twitching full body orgamisms, fulfilling your every dirty kinky fantasy over and over again.
Dude, lastnight my girlfriend gave me the best ever Dirty Courtney an I think I'm in love.

dirty courtney

A dirty Courtney is when you take a quarter and stick it up someone's ass and then remove it and stick it to their knee.
Omg! Amanda gave Patrick a dirty Courtney with her old change.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:34:33