

俚语 dirty curtain

Dirty Curtain

The act of urinating on a woman's head, effectively drenching the hair, and then proceeding to have the woman give the man a blowjob whilst her wet hair is draped in front of her face, ergo dirty curtain.
My girlfriend gave me a dirty curtain last night, and by golly was she wet.

dirty shower curtain

A male with long hair lies on his back on his bed with his hair hanging to the floor. The female lays exposed on the floor and let's his hair tickle her beaver.
I bet those homeless people do the dirty shower curtain

dirty beef curtain

A vagina that is used frequently; rode hard and put away wet.
We were just about to have sex so I went down to check out the merchandise but all I found was a dirty beef curtain.

Dirty Meat Curtains

When a womans labia of the vagina are so beat up and nasty looking, it resembles that of dirty meat.
yo man I hooked up with that bitch last night and she had some dirty meat curtains




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