

俚语 dirty docking

dirty docking

When two men proceed to to dock after anal sex.
Hey Brice, how about we try some dirty docking afterwards....

Dirty Docks

noun; a place where the shawty (s) are trifling
Shawty: *trifling*
Inky: Shawty trifling! She must be from Dirty Docks.

dirty docks

a place were the hoes reside
Janet fucked my husband she must be from dirty docks.

Dirty docks

If a girl is being extra or just being weird she’s from dirty docks.
‘Shawty trifling she must be from dirty docks’

dirty dock

After unprotected homosexual coitus an uncircumcised top entraps his partner’s member with his foreskin
My penis still hasn’t recovered after he dirty docked me




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