

俚语 dirty doggy

Dirty Doggy

girl gets freaky when there doing the dirty doggy , she barks loud why shes being fucked
Roberts mom did the dirty doggy

Dirty doggie

When a girl squirts during intercourse so you rub her nose in it while in doggie style
Babe when you hit me with that dirty doggie I almost drowned

Dirty doggy

Where a girl and guy are in the sex position called doggy style and she shits on the guys dick while he is pounding her pussy with his dick.
Bro that chick and I last night did the dirty doggy last night

dirty doggie

A sexy beast who does something without you. Ex. Eat steak when out of town, go riding on a Harley, etc.
Babe, what are you eating for dinner tonight while in Wisconsin? Oh, just having a sirloin. You dirty doggie you!!!




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