Dirty Elizabeth
A very hot girl that is extremely sexy and thick asf. She give the best head and can ride like no other she’s a top but a kinky bottom. She a real hood baby baddie. Tho be careful because there very sensitive to emotions
Man I just got back from the store and my dirty Elizabeth was waiting for me
Dirty Elizabeth
When you use the indie girls crystals as an ass dildo and it comes out with shit on it so you smear it on the wall spelling your name, light some incense, and worship it
I went home with one of them alt indie girls from tik tok and she totally pulled a Dirty Elizabeth. There was shit all over my bed sheets.
Dirty elizabeth
When you love someone and the only person you think about is them.... While pooping .
This dang dirty Elizabeth is getting out of hand, its like I can't even go alone.
dirty queen elizabeth II
when you run out of lube as you use your grandmas ashes to have anal sex with your grandpa
Dude i watch my mom do a dirty queen elizabeth II on the Hub