

俚语 dirty frog

Dirty frog

A really bad video game streamer, that hops from one dudes dick to the next because their stream is trash
Xh1b1t sucks at Call of duty, he’s a dirty frog

Xh1b1t is a dumpster fire, dudes a straight dirty frog

dirty frog

After you nut, you slowly slide your body up hers, dragging your slimy dong up all the way up the torso and across the face. Leaving A frog trail, then after exiting her body fully, as hard as you can you mule/frog kick her in the crown of the head, say ribbit and take a shower.
That filthy bastard Dirty Frogged me !

Dirty Frog

Getting tea bagged by a mantikora after he kills you.
Man, that mantikora was totally giving you the dirty frog.

dirty poison dart frog

when you ejaculate in a woman's vagina slurp it back out and then spit it in her face
dude she was being such a bitch during sex last night, that i decided to give her a dirty poison dart frog




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:49:48