

俚语 dirty gavin

Dirty Gavin

when a man with a big cock fucks you on the first day he met you with out either of you finding out each other’s names until the next morning
Kim: I saw you leave with that guy last night how was it?

Sam: it was so grate he but he pulled a dirty Gavin though

Dirty Gavin

When a guy sticks his hard cock in a wet burrito then sticks that up his ass.
Did you hear Josh pulled a dirty gavin-jessica

Dirty Gavin

When you fuck your sub whilst holding a polish lager in one hand and a bacon cheese burger in the other
Alicia: "How was your date last night?"

Georgia: "It was great! He gave me a Dirty Gavin. Ruined my organs AND his. I think he's the one"

Dirty Gavin

When you kidnap Madeline McCann and out her in your basement.
I went on holiday and did a Dirty Gavin

dirty gavin

A dirty Gavin is where you get another man to shove his penis in your butt while jerking off in the shower.
I was in the middle of a dirty Gavin when my dad walked in on me.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:36:54