

俚语 alaskan log

alaskan log

The sexual act of freezing your feces and then using it as a dildo, on yourself or your loved one
Denis died because he alaskan logged himself too much

Alaskan logging

The act of multiple people engaging in a competition of doing anal with multiple people, scraping the shit off your dick and measuring who scraped the most off in the span of a week.

The loser then collects all the shit and puts it in a lava lamp, and it forever sits on their nightstand floating beautifully
Me and Cody just got into a Alaskan logging contest and he just got a new lava lamp!

alaskan log splitter

When a cock is inserted into an anus as a solid turd is egressing. The cock must split the turd hot-dog style for it to qualify as a "log splitter." Otherwise, it is known as an Alaskan Coal Miner.
"Yo dawg, I rammed this girl so hard last night, I gave her the Alaskan Log Splitter!"

gift-wraped alaskan log

you freeze a shit then once frozen put in condom and use as dildo
dude, i tottaly gave her a gift-wraped alaskan log last night




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