

俚语 dirty jacob’s dad

Dirty Jacob’s Dad

A sexual act where an attractive middle aged man who often enjoys cycling steals the dog bed and television from his son’s house and uses it to lure the dog back to his local gym. He then proceeds to dress up in tight pink Lycra and perform a handstand by the exercise bikes with butter rubbed along his huge dick so that the dog sucks him off while watching other hot men cycling on his stolen TV. This is usually accompanied by extremely loud screams from the man to attract as much attention to himself as possible as well as gleeful noises from the sucking dog when it’s fur is splattered with tasty white cum.
“What’s that screaming? Is there a dog in here?”

“Don’t worry, it’s just someone doing a Dirty Jacob’s Dad in the corner.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:56:18