

俚语 dirty jasmin

dirty jasmin

The best down to earth human ever to be born on earth they are so good looking and low key so interesting to talk to
Hey boys look there's a dirty Jasmin

Dirty jasmine

Dirty jasmine.

Well, this is someone so attractive and drop dead gorgeous. And she always goes hard. If your with her make sure you look good. Cuz she will ride you like a bull. She is quick ... she is a real little dirty thing .
But just be careful. If you treat this person wrong she will give u the worst rollercoaster ride of your life. I heated that she can be a little bit of a biter..
Dirty jasmine is like a rollercoaster ride

Dirty Jasmin

Will simp for any kpop boy/girl.
Says s/he is the cutest at day, and listens to their moans on YouTube at night ;)

Dirty Jasmin: Aight lets simp shall we

dirty Jasmine

That's when a chick farts on your chin when you are licking her pussy.
Say Barney, I said, "I really think that Jasmine is quite attractive. Barney answered, "she is hot bro , but she farts during sex, I heard. No worries,"I said".Barney said, "Yeah but she farted on Blagov's face when he {Blagov the Russian) was cunnininglusing her vagina. I dont care, "i said, "i can deal with a dirty Jasmine."

dirty jasmine

a dirty jasmine is when you’re getting hanky panky with a “beautiful woman” and all is going swell for you as you haven’t had sex in a month. she asked if you’re into bum stuff and when you poke her bumhole she projectile SHARTS HERSELF ALL OVER YOU and continues to ask if she can eat the shit off your naked body.
bro, i went through something nasty last night. i was on a date and it was awesome until she did a dirty jas...🤢
a dirty jasmi..🤢🤢

Jasmine dirty hoe

Just jasmine
Hi its jasmine dirty hoe




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:58:41