

俚语 dirty joel

Dirty Joel

The sexual act of sticking a tube up your partners anal hole and pretending to play the bagpipes.
Last night I gave her the "Dirty Joel" and played the Taps in her ass

Dirty Joel

It is the act of waffle-stomping and having sex with an lesbian slut
Aggressively waffle stomps

Slut says “aaahahahahh”

Joel stomps more

Slut says “ I like this dirty Joel”

Dirty Joel

Is when a guy claims to be your friend, and either has sex with your significant other, or helps facilitate someone else having sex with them. Then tells you it happened and that it is not his responsibility to make sure your significant other is not cheating.
Man I thought he was my friend, but the jerk pulled a Dirty Joel on me.

The Dirty Joel

The Dirty Joel is an infamous dominance-establishing strategy perfectly executed by a cocky Spaniard. An alpha male must first pick a work event hosted at a fancy bar of the employer's choosing. The alpha male MUST show up drunk to ensure maximum confidence levels for hitting on co-workers, and should continue filling the tank throughout the night. Once maximum capacity levels have been achieved, the alpha male tracks down the nearest ice machine WITH a camera pointing right at it (no exceptions). Once located, the alpha male urinates inside the machine in a zig-zag motion to ensure maximum surface area coverage. When confronted by bartenders, the alpha male pretends like nothing happened to demonstrate his high-octane dominance over witnessing co-workers. The Dirty Joel is a classic power sure to spike your career growth, improve co-worker relations, and liven up any corporate event.
Bro I tried out The Dirty Joel last night and now my boss wants to talk. I think i'm getting promoted

Dirty joel

A dirty joel is when your drunk walking home from town you can't stop the urges from taking over and you find a random bush on someone's lawn to have a wank.
Oh man I got so drunk last night I done a dirty joel




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:00:20