

俚语 alaskan pipeliner

Alaskan Pipeliner

When a guy takes a shit and puts it in the freezer and the girl uses it as a dildo.
Jill was feeling quite randy while Buck was away at camp. Luckily Buck left her an Alaskan Pipeliner in the freezer.

alaskan pipeline

n: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.

Invented at the University of Iowa by Brian and Andy S. in 2001.
Andy: "Hey Brian, wanna come give me an alaskan pipeline?"

Brian: "You know I can't do that again. Dad will spank us!"

Andy: "Aww shucks Brian, you know how much I love those."

Brian: "I know Andy dear, I know."

Alaskan Pipeline

This happens when a person shits in a condom then puts it in the freezer to use as a dildo for later.
I don't have any real dildos, so I made an Alaskan Pipeline instead!

Alaskan Pipeline

Take a shit. Freeze that bad mother fucker and start having sex with your girl in the kitchen. reach into the ice box grab your frozen turd and shove it up her ass. you may want to lube her up before hand since the frost sometimes makes the blade stick, which, like ripping your tounge from an icy pole can be painful. so depending on how you feel about the tramp bring some KY.
Danny gave me a fucking Alaskan Pipeline lastnight and it almost tore my asshole out.

alaskan pipeline

n: the act of pooping in to a condom, freezing the rubber overnight, then inserting it in to ones anus.
honey, you know i had thai food last night. are you still down for this alaskan pipeline?

Alaskan pipeline

An oil pipe network going from crude oil rich Alaska, across central Canada, and into the US. Unlike the other weirdass definitions on here.
The politicians canceled plans for an Alaskan pipeline for oil exports.

Alaskan pipeline

When a girl takes a shit inside of a condom, freezes it, and uses it as a dildo.
I made myself a great Alaskan pipeline last night.




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