

俚语 alaskan reversal

Alaskan Reversal

When a person gets so angry at another person he cuts off their balls, dips them in liquid nitrogen, puts them in the persons mouth and tapes their mouth shut until they choke on the balls and die.
"I hated James so much that i pulled an alaskan reversal on him."

"The serial killers trademark is the alaskan reversal."

Reverse Alaskan Pipeline

Derived from the Alaskan Pipeline, the Reverse Alaskan Pipeline is practically the same as the Alaskan Pipeline except instead of leaving the seran wrap or condom around the feces you remove it after its frozen and proceed to have sex with it. Some people prefer this over the Alaskan Pipeline because they enjoy having sex with it as it melts back to its mucky state.
Slut : I gave myself a Reverse Alaskan Pipeline last night after I read about it on UD.

Guy : WTF WHY?

Slut : It felt soooo good but it was sooo messy.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:34:02