

俚语 dirty kiss

Dirty kiss

During hot sex you go down on each others ass then kiss
Oh baby that was a dirty kiss

dirty kissing

Kissing that leads to sex, foreplay.
Making out that ends up with intense sex.
Baby, I can't wait to see you so we can start some dirty kissing.
I'm so horny that I'm ready for some dirty kissing.

dirty ball kiss

It's when you are in a public toxic waste i mean bathroom and your balls touch the water
DAMMIT I just got a dirty ball kiss .

Sorry dude I just got out clean.

dirty beaner kiss

When you are eating your girl out and your tongue slips a little too far south.
Yo, I accidentally gave my girl a dirty beaner kiss last night.

Dirty Hershey Kiss

When a female didn't wipe too well, then someone fucks her doggy style. As the ass is bouncin, the resulting shit stain on the male pelvis is a dirty Hershey kiss.
"Man, it was going great, till she got on all fours and gave me a dirty Hershey kiss"

Dirty rim kiss

When your penis is large enough to dip into or 'kiss' the water of the toilet
"Thats disgusting!". "What?". "I just did a dirty rim kiss".

dirty rainbow kiss

When you go shit in his mouth, he goes shit in yours, and you French kiss.

Also, when a guy goes down on a girl while she is on her period, and Gets all the blood in his mouth. And a girl has blood/cum in their mouth, they kiss each other.
They did the dirty rainbow kiss.

Sally wanted to do a dirty rainbow kiss with Tyler.

He's so fine I'd dirty rainbow kiss him!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:35:42