

俚语 dirty mac

Dirty mac

Having sex with someone you know is already sleeping with your friend, after your friend introduces you to them
That bitch pulled a dirty mac on me after i introduced her to my new lover.

Dirty mac

Or dirty macing. A dirty Mac is a foo whose trying to get at the same female as yourself . And when your not present the “ dirty mac” starts macing to the female real dirty . Like salting your name and game .. talking bad about you when your not there to try and win the pussy …
Ehh homie why u tell Yolla the whip was yours when I stole the MF …. That’s that lame game DIRTY MAC bullshit !!

Dirty mac

When you cum in a yeti water bottle and put it ur girlfriends ass and fuck her as she shits
Did a dirty mac last night

Dirty Mac

When you put a Mac and cheese in your girls vagina and cum all over it, then eat it out.
I had the best time last night. My man did a dirty Mac on me.

dirty mac

Any greasy fast food hamburger.
I just devoured a delicious "Dirty Mac" and it gave me the shits!!!

Dirty Mac

Dirty mac is a person who loves his mcdonalds and is very dirty minded, the girls know him as Dirty Mac as he never fails to keep it dirty in bed.
Wow i saw Dirty Mac he got me so wet.

dirty barbara mac

A person who steals their own child's sex swing.
My mother pulled a dirty Barbara Mac on me




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