

俚语 dirty matty

Dirty Matty

When you’re banging a chick while wearing a black turtle neck
We were hooking up while he was wearing a Dirty Matty

Dirty Matty

When your girl works at subway and gives blowjobs to random dudes
Wow she really pulled a dirty matty

Dirty Matty

Where you cannot make a girl orgasm
Mate, I’m really struggling with doing a Dirty Matty

Dirty Mattie

The act of shoving a cactus up your ass while you cut off blood circulation to you penis.
Damn I can’t sit down after pulling a dirty mattie

Dirty Mattie

Unfriending someone because they "cause unnecessary drama" and "constant chaos" even though they didn't
One of my friends didn't message me back so I'm going to pretend they were toxic and pull a dirty mattie because I can't communicate properly

Dirty matti

The coolest thing ever, you will always want to be a dirty matti
"I'm so jealous, my friend is a dirty matti"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:46:54