

俚语 dirty nick

Dirty Nick

Nearly identical to the Dirty Sanchez except that after you give the chick her shameful moustache, you give her a coupon so that the next one is 50% off.
Dirty tramp #1: "Damn, that guy is sooo considerate that instead of just the usual Dirty Sanchez, he gave me a Dirty Nick."

Dirty tramp #2: "Your dad rules."

Dirty Nick

The act of defecating on someone's doormat (perhaps in response to their testicles being put on one's forehead).

Nick left a 'Dirty Nick' on Mike's doormat. Mike responded by stepping in the 'Dirty Nick' and dragging it all over his apartment.

dirty nick

when you cum in a girls ass and proceed to scoop it out with saxophone reeds, and then play with said reeds.
'Bro, I pulled a dirty Nick last night, it was awesome! '

Dirty nick

When a man uses his bunions to rub a girls clit
Oh I gave Steph the dirty nicks last night

Dirty St. Nick

To shit in a girls shoe. Usually done while sneaking out after a one night stand.
Dave slept with an ugly girl, but gave her a Dirty St. Nick before he snuck out.

The Dirty St. Nick

When you are done with a one night stand and the girl is passed out, you shit in one of her shoes as if you were St. Nick leaving her a treat.
Dave: "I fucked this girl last night and gave her The Dirty St. Nick"

Steve: "What's a Dirty St. Nick?"

Dave: " I shit in her shoe while she was asleep".

dirty dick nick

A low life loser who will stick their penis into any thing or person just to be able to say they did
"Hey I just had sex with a girl who had a bad yeast infection! " "What the fuck is wrong with you Dirty Dick Nick"




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