

俚语 dirty parker

Dirty Parker

The act of splitting a girl in half with your gargantuan horse cock
“You look a little sore, what happened to you last night?

“Oh nothing my boyfriend gave me a dirty Parker last night”

Dirty Parker

is when you jurk-off to five guys fucking each other, Then putting your cum in to your sock
Im go do a Dirty Parker

Dirty Parker

When the guy you’re having sex with cums too early and keeps thrusting with a soft cock.
“Was the sex good last night with that guy you met? - “no, he gave me a dirty Parker and just mashed a floppy all night”.

Dirty Parker

During anal sex between two men the giver finishes then pulls out and proceeds to “dock” onto the recipients penis head.
Bob was smashing my shithole last night and once he’d finished he grabbed my cock and latched on with an unexpected “Dirty Parker”.




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