

俚语 dirty slim

Dirty slim

When you do a handstand while sucking someone’s toe and trying to eat their eat ass as they pee
“Oh yea my man gave me a dirty slim last night”

dirty slim jim

A fat fuck that non stop eats cheese and sweats pure diabetes smells like a shit head and would eat a hobos dick cheese for free
Did you see that dirty slim jim doing the autistic kid

dirty slim shady

The dirty slim shady when you leave for kidnapped children in a car and then put it at Hooker on them and masturbate all of them the dirty slim shady.
I saw this lady with four kids, and I remembered she was a hooker. so I left the kids in the car all day ,and they died. I had to kill their mother .it was very sad so I put the hooker on her kids and I masturbated, all over them!!! it was a dirty slim shady!!!!




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