

俚语 dislike-bombed


A term used to describe when a mass amount of people (or one person using multiple accounts) have down-voted a post, reply, comment, blog, video (etc) in a short amount of time, with the result most often leading to dislikes winning over likes by a landslide.
Troll: This video SUCKS! I'm going to burn your house down and violate your sisters!

Anonymous Person #'s 1-40: *clicks the dislike button*

Poster: I have never seen a comment get disliked to -40 before. It truly got dislike-bombed.

dislike bombed

A word for people being dipshits and making 400+ accounts by a program just to make someone’s reputation drop harshly.
Person 1. “Did anyone like your post?”
Person 2. “Nope, I got dislike bombed.”

Dislike bomb

1. Upvote a post then downvote it as fast as possible
2. Lots of dislikes on a post
Dislike bomb




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:46:03