

俚语 disney sequel

Disney Sequel

n; A sequel to a popular or not so popular movie that has nothing to do with the original save for the name and a few characters. Brought about by Disney's tendency to make a really good movie (Lion King, Aladdin) and then use the name to make a sequel while pouring as little money/time/effort into the project as possible(Lion King 2, Aladdin 2). This maximizes profits while minimizing cost. They also suck. Noticing that Disney makes a lot of money off of such tactics, other famous movie companies have begun to do the same.(Bring It On; Bring It On Again: Both crap, but atleast the first one had attractive women.)

Usually these movies are brought straight to video/dvd to make sure everyone gets it as soon as possible(i.e. Much cheaper to skip the theatre and jump straight to video.)

A simple way to spot a Disney Sequel is the advertisement "Straight to Video" or anything Disney with a two or above on the end of it.
Oh man, "Bring It On Again?" You can tell it's a Disney Sequel just from watching the trailer!

"Lion King 1.5?" Might as well call it "Lion King we butchered the animation, hired no-name voice actors, and added some useless side character to help the excessively deep children's story."

disney sequel

A way for disney to totally $crew its classic films.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:00:36