

俚语 disphanitation


A word to describe the process of destroying someone in an argument. This word could also be used offensively towards those with low IQs.
Violet: That disphanitation you pulled last night was awesome.
Rocky: I know, right? He couldn't stand it and lost horribly!


An argument that proves a person can act smart while having a low intelligence quotient (IQ).
You're so Disphanitated.


a nonexistent word to describe someone who don't know shi
person 1: yo, you see that guy over there?
person 2: yea bro
person 1: they fr tryna make up disphanitated words
person 2: lmao that dumb as shi


A word that describes the process of absolutely destroying someone in an argument. This word could also be used as an offensive term against someone with a low IQ.
Violet: I heard you had a plan to disphanitate David in an argument.
Rocky: Yeah, I bet it's going to work.


A word to describe the result of someone losing an argument miserably. This word could also be an offensive term used to describe someone with a low IQ.
Violet: Do you see David over there?
Rocky: Yeah, I heard he was disphanitated in an argument with you.
Violet: He lost miserably, LOL!


The act of making up random words without meaning to use in conversations or arguments.
Person 1: "I feel like making my own word"
Person 2: "Isn't that just a disphanitation?"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:30:01