

俚语 dissapeered

Dissapering wizard

When you get so repulsed by someone or something that your penis gets forced up and out of your groin so as to displace itself at least 400 miles away; as if it were a wizard from Harry Potter apparating.
Harry Potter: Last night was awful, Ron.
Ronald Weasley: Why? What happened?
Harry Potter: Moaning Myrtle showed up while I was in the restroom, and I got a serious case of the dissapering wizard.


To leave due to a spouse or partner turning gay. Many people are also retarded and misspell the word disappear.
Guy1: All my hoes dissapeered in less than 24 hours.

Guy2: That's great! Do you want to go on a date?

Guy3: Sure!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:27:47