Alberto Escamilla
Male of hispanic decent. Is funny relaxed and likes to get attention and is good with females and gets lots of attention from them. He is also one of craziest dumbass people you will ever met probably watches way to much tv and still has a smart creative mind. Tells the funniest stories and can make your day better with his bright smile. He is also very athletic and picks up sports easly and will use this ability to do the stupidest things imaginable . He is not only a loyal boyfriend but also a loyal friend if you cross his friends he will see you see to that you or your friends get punished for it so make sure never to cross him or his friend(he will hunt down anybody and every body and hurts his friends in away they remember physically and emotianally) but will make a great friend and someone you will never forget .
guy1: shit that dudes crazy
guy2:Thats Alberto Escamilla
guy2:Thats Alberto Escamilla