

俚语 diyar


Diyar is a tall fit boy with brown hair and unique light brown eyes, he is extremely smart and funny. He is also very athletic and strong and will always look out for the ones he loves. He is very judgmental and sarcastic with a very peng deep voice. If you come in contact with a Diyar you are in luck.
Girl 1: Wow he is so tall and peng

Girl 2: He must be a Diyar


Very handsome guy who cares a lot. The type of man every women searches. Heart of gold. Sometimes cares to much.
Wow! That guy is like a Diyar.


Diyar is a tall, black-haired boy who always looks good, no matter what he wears. His hair is curly and as soft as a childhood blanket. His smile is the most beautiful thing to ever exist on this planet.
He gets excited over nerdy things such as cool equations and code. I love watching him run code he wrote because his eyes light up when it runs smoothly.

He’s the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He always protects those he loves and would die for someone he cherishes. He’s so beautiful but doesn’t know it. Seriously, it’s unreal how handsome he is.

Diyar is a person I wish everyone has in their life. If you know a Diyar, you better keep him forever and treat him like he deserves to be treated: with love and care.

Thank you for existing, my love
A: Look, it’s Diyar!

B: Oh, you mean the best human to ever exist?

A: Yea dude, that’s what I said


Diyar is the most amazing person I have met in my life, she understands and tries to help everyone, she loves everyone around her, she might dislike some people but she never hurts their feelings, she is smart and has a really wide imagination, she loves her friends as if they're her sisters, she is so talented and such a hot, sexy, skinny legend, if you see her, your wig will literally fly, you wouldn't ever meet someone as fascinating and kind-hearted as her, she deserves the best in this world <3
Diyar is a girl


Diyar,a boy with large ears,kind of a stupid boy ,but is really smart.He has large blue eyes and loves cartoon characters.He is very lucky and articulate.
Person 1: Why does he act so stupid sometimes and turn smart other times? He is so weird!

Person 2:Well, he must be a big Diyar!


An Annoying Turkish Person probably a neo nazi
Holy shit diyar! Stop fucking the toaster


A Turkish warcriminal wanted for the deaths of several thousand Armenian children in 1916. He is cunning, highly dangerous, armed, guarded and makes fantastic kebab according to multiple sources.
Everybody run!!! Diyar is coming!!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:23:56