

俚语 dobled


An indoor cricket term for being dismissed by a bowler with a custard arm - one of the most embarassing forms of dismissal a batsman can experience.
P1. What happened to your score Justin, did you get out?

P2. Yeah (hanging head in shame), I got dobled!


an effectionate term for a McDonalds double cheeseburger.
Lets stop at Mickle Diggles and get a doble


To antagonize someone to the point of anger or frustration. To take a simple statement and turn it around on them so they are utterly confused.
I just left the meeting John is so pissed off because I Dobled him. He still doesn’t know what’s going on.


The act of placing ones scrotum on their friends mother's chin.
You know who loves a good doble? Brian's mom!


a fucking stuipid dumby whore
omg lilys such a Doble she fucked 39945799378 guys yesterday AND ONLY GOT !18$ WHAT A DUMB SLUT LOL

Sorry if your name is lily it was the first name i thoight of

Ring Doble

Is the acction of licking and sticking ones tongue in and around the anus.
"Ow, mate i had some good Ring Doble last night off this lass"

"Bend over that sofa there, im going to perform the skill that is Ring Doble on you, you Dirty bitch"

Bri Doble

A generic Irish female name for a certain type of girl who is able to look attractive in circumstances where normal people otherwise shouldn’t (ex: when they’re sick, when they’re at work in the mine, etc)
Rory: hey, have you seen that Bri Doble at the pub the other night?

Patrick: it’s freezing cold, how’s she look so good?

Rory: that lass is a Bri Doble




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