

俚语 dogbot virus

DogBot Virus

a computer virus thought to be from asia... that dogs you as an online seller... decreasing prices on similar items you sell til you can no longer compete
a seller sells widgets for 1 dollar the virus dogs you and sells for 99 cents you lower to 90 cents within minutes dogbot lowers to 89 cents... this is DogBot Virus in action

DogBot Virus

A little know computer virus some claim is run by the Chinese government, that dogs american online retailers and undercuts prices by pennies at a time via A robot system...
example a DogBot Virusis is if your selling widgets for 4.99... the dogbot will set it's prices at 4.98 , you lower your price dogbot lowers and so on and so on til your losing money with every sale.. the virus will dog you, like a blood hound chasing an escaped convict.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:06:50