Dog Sauce
Something that is better than the "top sauce," which clearly is the best, greatest.
Is he the "top sauce" at Booze Kart? No, he's the dog sauce, hands down.
Dog Sauce
The absolute retching smell of a dog (Mazie, you stupid bitch dog)
Person: “What’s that smell?” Me: “Mmmm dog sauce”
Dog Sauce
Dog semen.
That dog has dog sauce all over his stomach.
hot dog sauce
Its chili. A weird way to say chili.
Yoo, lemme get that hot dog sauce!
Sauce dog
Someone who has mastered the art of being steamy and spicy. Usually a player of sorts
He gets all the girls attention. He is a natural born sauce dog.
Dog sauce
Musky fresh dogshit, usually sauce consistency like diarrhea.
Damn bro is that fresh dog shit dripping down your leg? Yes , it looks like (dog sauce) to me!