

俚语 alcohole


A person who becomes an asshole upon drinking any alcoholic substance.

Pronounced Ahl cuh hole
Jenny: I'm going to a party with John
Susan: Sounds fun! Will there be beer?
Jenny: Duh!
Susan: Well don't let John have any, he's a real alcohole.


A person who behaves like an asshole when he drinks alcohol.
He can be a real alcohole when he goes to a party.


Someone who is a real jerk when they get drunk.
Jeff: Hey John, you wanna come out to the bar tonight with me and Eddie?
John: No thanks Jeff. To tell you the truth, I think Eddie's a total alcohole. I just don't have the energy to put up with him right now.


The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.
To ALCOHOL: The cause of, and solution to all life's problems.

An alcohol

One who destroys one's family, or the families of others.
He's an alcohol and it's destroying his family.


When one drink is too many, and a thousand aren't enough.
If an alcoholic just doesn't have that first next one, they are on the right track. That first one is the killer.


someone who knows there is no way to actually break someone other than convincing them to take a punishment for themselves such as picking cotton and the longer they do it, the more sketchy they look
Person 1: Imma do it in front of god, watch me not break afterwards lol.

Person 2: Lol you alcoholic.

Person 1: Lol r they against marijuana too?




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