

俚语 doide


dude void. (dude + void = doide)

lack of dudes.
there's a major doide in the city since all the dudes left


a dude who is not cool and yet has no clue of his actual social status.
(A guy walks in and takes a seat in an establishment that was classy before he arrived and immediately starts talking gaudily about how much money he makes as he updates his fb status to communicate the expensive restaurant he just dined.)
Pretty and intelligent lady: (tapping her really cool boyfriend): "Is this guy serious?"
Really cool dude (to a nearby, relatively cool dude): "Hey! Look at that doide!"


A hardcore enthusiast of video games; a gamer.

The term was coined by non-gamers working in the localisation department of Nintendo's European headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, and is an abbreviation of Nintendoid.

The word is used to describe people who display characteristics including (but not restricted to) long hair, poor dress sense, a lack of personal hygiene and social skills, and few interests beyond the world of video games, science fiction and fantasy.
The doids got really excited when they heard about the latest console.


the term used for a local of Schenectady, NY. typicaly a sketchy semi-crackhead roaming on campus or being detained my security.
"dude did you see that doid getting beat by 5 campus safety cops?! it was so cool!"


originated from ran'doid' as in random, usually refers to an awkward human, or someone who keeps to themselves can be used as a noun, an adjective, or a verb
(n): (question) Did you see that doid at that party?
(answer) Yea, why the fuck was he there??

(v): yo, i was doidin it up last night, i didnt know ANYONE.

(adj): why are you acting so doidy? mingle!


D.o.i.d - acronym : Dark odd indy devil ; A type of artist typically found in very small numbers in smaller communities aka multi faceted artists. They have amazing abilities and create masterpieces in any medium. The subject matter of these artists is macabre and shady. Using dark and gloomy colours and dim lighting. However the mood can portray a peaceful upbeat positive vibe.
Human 1: There was an incredible amount of Doid's at that last farmers market !

Human 2 : What the heck is a Doid ?

Human 1 :. You better start reading this from the beginning Dude!


Doids are what Union College students refer to as, the sketchy people that live in Schenectady (although some UC students are actually doids themselves). You can often find Doids wandering on or around campus, and in the local bars such as Rupsies and Gepettos, buying underage girls drinks. Also, some doids like to expose themselves in public when bored, which they usually are. Doids do not know they are called doids, even when its clearly obvious someone is talking about them. Although they often get a bad rap, there are alot of people who love the doids.
A: Should we come to rupsies later
B: No, no's one here
B: Just some doids




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