

俚语 alcoholies


People who love to drink alcohol. This includes people who likes to try different types of alcohol as well. Not to be confused by alcoholic - which means addicted to alcohol.
Fellow Alcoholies - drinks at my place tonight!

Alcoholis Interuptis

A serious physical and psychological condition arising from a short period of drinking, typically at lunch, followed by a period of not drinking. Symptoms include headache, sleepiness and irritability.
The only known cure is more alcohol.
Billy: I had a couple beers at lunch, and now I have a headache and no buzz.

John: Yeah, I noticed from your bitchy comments and yawns during the staff meeting you were suffering from Alcoholis Interuptis.

alcoholy trinity

1. In a pandemic the 3 wholly necessary alcohols are hand-sanitizer, alcohol-wipes, and a good stiff drink.

2. Drinking 3 times a day (Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner) every day during a pandemic, so the three drinking times miraculously become one, and all the days miraculously become like one day.

3. Three-in-One Bar: Lager, Rum, & holy spirits
Stay safe from the Coronavirus by remembering soap and estrange, no antisocial nearing, keeping social distance, and relying on the alcoholy trinity to make it through your day.

We need to visit a bar with the alcoholy trinity so everyone's prayers are answered, and everyone can drink what they like.

Whoa! After that last Zoom meeting, I'm pretty sure our co-worker Marty has been reverencing the alcoholy trinity for the past 2 months, non-stop. Plus, I'm pretty sure he was wearing a covid mullet.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:21:28