

俚语 alcohology


The scientific theorized, or study of the hydroxyl compound Alcohol, in partial, or as a whole.
Mr. Brownstone began learning alcohology to furthermore understand the function of alcohol.


1. Apologizing for something while you are drunk
2. Apologizing for something you did while you were drunk
1. "Dude, I love you man. We should leave everything in the past and be best friends now. I'm sorry for all that shit!"
"No need to alcohologize to me, man!"

2. "Then he alcohologized for puking on my couch last weekend!"
"That was considerate of him"


The decisions you make under the influence of alcohol which seem obvious at the time, but which are clearly idiotic to any sober person.
Some guy: Dude. You told the bouncer you'd take on him, all his friends, and a straight guy.

Some other guy (from hospital bed): Well. I do have my yellow belt in karate... it seemed alcohological.


Noun; A form of drunk apology sent to a recent ex usually via text or phone
Just when we thought Steve was going to come out of the break-up with his dignity intact, Lauren sent his alcohology to all of their co-workers.




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