Character traits, personality, mannerisms, accent, quirks, attitude, and personal quotes are all considered Dollyisms. A term that the country singer, song writer, actress, philanthropist, business owner, Guiness Book record holder, Icon and Legend coined herself. Distinct and unmistakable that when you hear or see them you undoubtedly know they come from Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton likes to throw in her dollyisms to every song, movie or interview she does as much as she can. It's what made her famous and every one recognizes them.
The sacred worship of Astor Shade most fondly known as "Dolly". He sees all, knows all, and is all, his cheeks hold the secrets of the universe that we are not yet ready to learn. He is everyone's favorite power bottom, and even though he is a bottom he is someone we look up to. Amen
Dollyism ruined my life, I have never loved a man like this before and I hate men.
The belief that Dolly Parton is above all else.
Alex started his day with practicing Dollyism by singing Put a Little Love in your heart.