Dollywongle. A verb. To fornicate with oneself or others in the Australian outback or bush and to have a troop of kangaroos (10 or more) attack mid-coitus.
Dollywongled. To have been previously assaulted by a troop of kangaroos while fornicating with oneself or with others in the Australian outback.
Dollywongling. Progressive verb. To be currently fighting roos while fornicating.
Dollywongled. To have been previously assaulted by a troop of kangaroos while fornicating with oneself or with others in the Australian outback.
Dollywongling. Progressive verb. To be currently fighting roos while fornicating.
"Hopefully a dollywongle happens today, I love a good dollywongle!"
"She seems like the type of sheila that would be down for a dollywongle."
"I was in the outback the other day, making a sneaky link with the stunner from work, when we got dollywongled by a troop of roos!"
"Last week I was out in the bush, in a bush, when I got dollywongled!"
"I love dollywongling, it's such a rush!" also, "Give me a second would ya? I'm dollywongling right now."
"She seems like the type of sheila that would be down for a dollywongle."
"I was in the outback the other day, making a sneaky link with the stunner from work, when we got dollywongled by a troop of roos!"
"Last week I was out in the bush, in a bush, when I got dollywongled!"
"I love dollywongling, it's such a rush!" also, "Give me a second would ya? I'm dollywongling right now."