

俚语 domesticated partnership

Domesticated Partnership

A relationship where one person (usually the male) believes he will be getting lucky soon, but hasnt made any progress. The woman can make him do anything and has tamed him like a domesticated animal. The relationship is non existent and considered a partnership.
Person 1: "Why is he so pussy whipped? All he does is drive her around, buy drinks for her, and make her dinner. Are they dating?"

Person 2: "Yeah, has he hit that yet?"

Person 3: No, they're just in a domesticated partnership

domestic partnership

A domestic partnership is a legal or personal relationship between two individuals who live together and share a common domestic life but are neither joined by marriage nor a civil union.
Ben and Liz are in a domestic partnership.

Domestic Partnership

When two people love each other and want to live together, but are too broke or lazy to do a wedding.
Honey, you are going to have to work overtime to pay for a wedding.
I have a better idea, we can be a domestic partnership and after 5 years the state will marry us for free!!

Domestic Partnership

a relationship status on Facebook that actually just means that you're living with someone but you're not romantically linked to said person. it's kind of dumb.
i'm in a domestic partnership with my best friend Jen.

domestic partnership

A pretend marriage.
Dude, why dont you marry Haley?

Because we're in a domestic partnership and I can book it if I ever feel the need!

Domestic Partnership

A relationship where the people involved are kind and loving towards each-other.
Yo, we in a good domestic partnership!

domestic partnership

Too big of a pussy to stand up and tell her/ him to Fuck off!, Pussy, no spine...penisless
I'm Rudy, I'm afraid of marriage will a domestic partnership work for you sweetheart?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:05:52