Domitile is definitely a girl that got high standards. She's a classy, boogie and ratched women that finds confidence in her work. She's attractive since she's so wealthy but also because of her thickness that amaze men the most. She's a little quirky and embarrassing in public, but appear very polite at first sight. You might fall in love with her once you visited her property, but her family might reject you.
That chick is a Domitile for sure ! look at her daddy's car.
Domitille is beautiful. She is the best friend everyone dreams of. Domitille is always there for you whenever you need her. Domitille is so generous.
I want to be like Domitille
Personne de qualité supérieure, connait votre vie mieux que vous-même ce qui est pratique.
"Tu as de la chance d'avoir une Domitille !"
Domitille is one of the most wonderful person in this world. The rarest and the funniest. She’s unique and have great tastes. She’s a lil bit introvert. If you have a Domitille in your circle of friends, you’re lucky. Everyone needs a Domitille, she will always be there when you need her, she’s a great listener. Domitille is one of those people whom you’re grateful to have in your life. As friend or as girlfriend.
If your name is Lia, you must marry a Domitille, you’re a perfect match.