Donald Trump Tie
a necktie so badly tied that it hangs down to your sack and is scotch- taped in the back.
See...every photo of Trump taken with a tie on, i.e. every photo of Trump, but especially ones of him getting out of or on Air Force One
See...every photo of Trump taken with a tie on, i.e. every photo of Trump, but especially ones of him getting out of or on Air Force One
Look at your wrecked Donald Trump Tie. Pull it through your legs and make yourself a g- string!
donald trump tie
Donald Trump ties are cheap, poorly-made rags that are sold a discount and second-hand stores. People wearing these ties are those who wish they had more in their wallet than just lint. Generally, tie-wearers are wanna-bes who are looking for some attention and something to brag about. In reality, they are just embarassing themselves and all other other tie-wearers around the world.
Hey man! Check out my Donald Trump tie!
Fuck you, I wipe my ass with those Donald Trump ties.
Fuck you, I wipe my ass with those Donald Trump ties.