

俚语 donkey dog

Donkey Dog

A stubborn, slow, depressed dog
Dude, your dog is the slowest and most stubborn dog I have ever met, he reminds me of Eeyore... "Ohhh-kayyy, I guess we will walk now". He's a Donkey Dog!

Cat Donkey Female dog

A PG alternative to the phrase " pussy ass bitch"
Joe: " I wanted to call mike a pussy ass bitch, but i was at work so I called him a cat donkey female dog".
Bob: "That's retarded".

Donkey Dog

A form of Chocolate Hotdog where the last bit of crap fall next to the Bottom of the Toilet Bowl.
This can happen on purpose or by accident but whoever pulls their pants down on the toilet will get crap on their pants.
They then sit on their office chair and stain that too.
Frequently used by disgruntled employee's.
I got Donkey Dogged




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