Donny Dukes
1. N: (DAH-NEE DOOK-S) A Sort of Denim pelvic covering created from what was once a pair of Levi's,Wranglers,Lee or other brand of jeans that have been bastardized into a pair of obscenely short shorts, that should never be worn by any adult male, regardless of age. Donny Duke-wearing behavior is often exhibited by lower class middle age men.
Middle Age Drunk: Heyyy man look at these snazzy thangs!
Middle Age Worker: Uh, you really shouldn't wear those in public
Middle Age Drunk:Why?, They're comfy!
Middle Age Worker: That's because they are a foot and a half above your knee cap! You really need to take off Your Donny Dukes, pal.
Middle Age Worker: Uh, you really shouldn't wear those in public
Middle Age Drunk:Why?, They're comfy!
Middle Age Worker: That's because they are a foot and a half above your knee cap! You really need to take off Your Donny Dukes, pal.
Donny Man Dukes
Cutoffs so short they show the front pockets, like Daisy Dukes, but worn by a man.
Dude, why are you wearing black socks and boots with your Donny Man Dukes? Does your mom know you go out dressed like that?!