

俚语 donut punchers

Donut puncher

A crude but often humorous reference to the male rectum. Often, it is in reference to anal sex with a male, thus the "punch" part of the definition. Also can be a reference to male fisting.
"Hey, you do know that guy is a donut puncher, right?"

donut punchers

another term for the gay man
My roommate just told me he is a fucking donut puncher

donut puncher

homosexual that likes to fist up the ass
matt bower
jack patton

donut puncher

One who likes it 'round the rim.
he has punched more donuts that a baker!

donut puncher

1. matt bower
2. a homosexual
3. ass pirate
Dont punch donuts you donut puncher

donut puncher

Someone who partakes in a punishable offence whilst on a soccer pitch.
As informed by a 6 year old, who felt he needed to tell us about the risks of being a donut puncher: "If you punch someone in the donut, you get a yellow card."




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