doodie calls
noun: an expression one says when they have to take a shit. similar to when "duty calls" for a soldier or other person of action; when "doodie calls" time is of the essence
Marc: Where are you going? Ace Ventura is about to start
Taylor: Doodie calls- There's no time to waste!
After Van received word that his unit had been called into action he simply replied "Duty calls." Ironically he felt a nervous poo enter his bowels at that moment. "But doodie calls first", he continued, as he headed to the toilet.
Taylor: Doodie calls- There's no time to waste!
After Van received word that his unit had been called into action he simply replied "Duty calls." Ironically he felt a nervous poo enter his bowels at that moment. "But doodie calls first", he continued, as he headed to the toilet.