

俚语 doodlers


A racial slur for an Italian who draws anything whatsoever
"What a doodler"
"We don't talk to doodlers"


Drew Phillips. One who doodles repeatedly.
I doodled again! *cries*


basically sum1 who doodles sum1 (not a drawing btw) wen they actually doodle with their doodle
George: omg ur such a doodler
Sam: (whilst george is talking) doodles doodles lalalal lick me


1. Doooooooooodler!!!

2.Greeting name for all awesome dudes.

3.When doing something or have just said something wrong, doodler may also indicate a bad thing you or a person has done.

4. Replaces the lesser word "dude"
1. Fred: "What's up doodler?!"

Tom: "Not much doodler!!!"

2. "Dude that chick is so fat and ugly, plus she's a total skank!"

"Doodler, not cool doodler."


the master of the blaster
Beware the doodler, because art is dumb.

ham doodler


One who slices off a warm piece of glazed ham from a freshly baked roast and then proceeds to wrap cet piece of ham around his erect penis and uses this to perform a sexual act upon his penis.
Matthew's younger sister, Megan, caught him doodling a piece of ham. She cried, "You ham doodler!"

dick doodler

1. Someone who has an acute desire to draw penises.

2. A fuck stick.
Dallas Drummond is a dick doodler.




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