

俚语 doorknob


a game played mostly by males in which (when someone farts) someone calls "doorknob" and beats the shit out of the farter until he or she passes out or touches a doorknob... the farter can call "safety" to keep from getting the shit beat out of him or her.
1. steve farts
2. bill: "doorknob!"
3. a fight ensues
4. steve touches a doorknob
5. life goes back to normal

1. steve farts
2. bill: "doorknob"
3. a fight ensues
4. steve is too bruised and broken to get to the doorknob
5. steve never farts again

1. steve farts
2. steve: "safety"
3. the room stinks and bill does nothing


A person who is sexually promiscuous and indiscriminate about who they engage in sexual relations with.
That girl is a doorknob, everyone has had a turn.


A male or female who appears to one as attractive, until they get to know the person and become disappointed to find out they have absolutely no personality.
Girl 1: How are things with Will?
Girl 2: Ah, I'm so disappointed. He seemed perfect, but every date with him feels like forever because he's so dull.
Girl 1: Haha, he sounds like a total doorknob. You'd better ditch him.

Guy 1: Dude, look at that girl over there. Pretty hot, right?
Guy 2: Oh, Stacy? We used to date, but then I realized she was a total doorknob. Nothing to her. She can barely hold a two minute conversation.


annoying, stupid, jackass, more then annoying, people wants to throw him to the sharks, dumb, a pile of dirt is smarter, and braceface
"I hate your brother! he's such a doorknob!!!"


What do you do with a door knob,,
you turn it,, with a woman who is a door knob
everyone gets a turn...door knob are for the gang....
Ayee this girl hailee is a Doorknob she messed with isaac and this dude named eli


The word said when someone whitnesses/hears another person fart. The person who says doorknob before the fart offender says safety gets to beat the shit out of the person who ripped one until he touches a doorknob, passes out or if the aggressor class and end to the abuse.
Nick: Rips a fart so loud that he shits himself.

Phil: Yells "doorknob!"

Mike: Begins to blow Nick until Phil tells Mike that that is not what doorknob means and that he has to beat the shit out of nick until he touches a doorknob.

Nick: pulls out and blows a load in Mikes face as he hurrys to touch the doorknob.

Phil: catches up to Nick and beats the shit out of him until he passes out only feet from the doorknob.


a stupid idiot. a way of making fun of som1 without using such harsh words like slut, bitch, whore, ass-hole, ass-wipe ect.
it sounds stupid, but once you start saying it, its actually quite addictive and fun!
someone,"you suck!"
you,"shut up, doorknob!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:31:16