Verb. The act of "doozin" (abbreveation of "dood cruzin") is when a homosexual male or group of males go out looking for another homosexual male or group of males. The words "dude" and "cruising" are changed to "dood" and "cruzin" to show homosexual intentions.
I'm about to put on my short shorts and tight purple shirt and go doozin at the gym.
I can't wait to go doozin in my new red convertible!
I can't wait to go doozin in my new red convertible!
Grabbing alcoholic beverages with friends during a point in time when you should be doing something constructive with your life. Usually during working hours of a weekday.
Kang 1: Hey Kang! What time we doozin yaoo!
Kang 2: Lets start doozin at noon right when I have my biggest meeting of the year!
Kang 1: Out here!
Kang 2: Lets start doozin at noon right when I have my biggest meeting of the year!
Kang 1: Out here!
it means what are you doin
what are you doing
what are you doing
what are you doozin after the party