

俚语 dosey


Dosey is a word to describe someone who is a bit slow in the head and who doesn't know whats going on in life. Dosey people are usually off with the butterflies. A close word to dosey would be "TAPPED" because dosey people always have some "tappedness in a jar" in them.

Imagine you saying something to you friend and them not responding to you. Now that is doseyness!!!
Thomas: Tonkin why are you so tapped today?
Tonkin: "doesn't reply"
Andrew: You're off with the dosey butterflies today Tonkin aren't you!
Tonkin: no u


To look poor,welfare.
Hey look at Frank, that shirt hes wearing is so dosey.


See daft. Chiefly British.
"Bugger off, you dosey slag!"

"I left your jumper at my house, sorry for being so dosey!"


A fitful night's sleep where you toss and turn all night.
i had so much on my mind, i kept dosey-dozing all night.




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