the rumored sequel of Despacito, releasing soon in 2022, directed by Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, and consists of Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee, Dame tu Cosita, Trumpet Boy, and many more.
makes you nut the moment you hear it
makes you nut the moment you hear it
Tiara: "Hey guess what?"
Ayano: "What?"
Tiara: "Despacito 2 is releasing soon"
Ayano: "Oh cool what is it titled"
Tiara: "Dospacito"
Ayano: *N U T S*
Ayano: "What?"
Tiara: "Despacito 2 is releasing soon"
Ayano: "Oh cool what is it titled"
Tiara: "Dospacito"
Ayano: *N U T S*